About the project and partners
The project “Upgrading national research infrastructures – HPC RIVR” is aimed at establishing a national supercomputing centre with the principal objective of strengthening national high performance computing capacities for the needs of the Slovenian research and innovation as well as economic area.
It is an overall vision aiming at a objective horizontally oriented towards international competitiveness of research, innovation and technological development in line with the fields of Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy (S4). The project implementation follows the objectives of the Declaration for cooperation in the field of high performance computing. By signing the Declaration, Slovenia has committed itself to establish an integrated and accessible high performance computing infrastructure. Regarding European data capacities and network infrastructure, the high performance computing will enable the European Union to enhance the competitiveness of research and the economy.
University of Maribor
Project applicant and coordinator.
Establishing the operation of the prototype HPC.RIVR@UM, performing development and research activities as well as educating.
Univerza v Mariboru
Slomškov trg 15
2000 Maribor
Institute of Information Science
Consortium partner.
Establishing the operation of the primary HPC.RIVR@IZUM, performing system support activities as well as educating.
Institut informacijskih znanosti
Prešernova ulica 17
2000 Maribor
Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto
Consortium partner.
Establishing the operation of the remote access equipment, performing development and research activities as well as educating.
Fakulteta za informacijske študije
Ljubljanska cesta 31a
8000 Novo mesto
Project manager
dr. Zoran Ren, University of Maribor
1 March 2018 – 31 March 2021 (this period covers the establishment and launch of the supercomputer centre)
Total funding
20 million EUR
The project is funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (80%) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (20%).
The operation is linked to the content of the Research Infrastructure Development Plan 2011-2020 and is implemented within the framework of the Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy for the period 2014-2020, Priority axis 1: International competitiveness of research, innovation and technological development in accordance with smart specialisation for enhanced competitiveness and greening the economy; Investment priority 1.1: Strengthening infrastructure for research and innovation as well as building capacity for development in this field, alongside with promoting centres of competence, especially those of European significance; Specific objective 1.1.1: Effective use of research infrastructure as well as knowledge/competencies development for a better national and international cooperation in the knowledge triangle.