Cooperation with SLING

Slovene initiative for the national grid

SLING is a consortium for grid network development and dispersed computing infrastructure management in Slovenia. It is led by Arnes that also represents Slovenia in European and global organisations as well as provides users the main national infrastructure services and access to the Arnes cluster.

On 1 June 2018, SLING and the HPC RIVR consortium concluded a contract on mutual cooperation. HPC RIVR is part of the national SLING infrastructure and the national grid. The cooperation pertains to education, exchange and transfer of knowledge.

The HPC partner network comprises of public research organisations: Faculty of Computer and Information Science of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, University of Nova Gorica, Jožef Stefan Institute, National Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Contemporary History and Arnes. Additionally, SLING encourages the integration of new partners with the aim of using HPC.

With its recommendations, SLING takes part in determining the HPC RIVR software and hardware as well as in setting the rules regarding the access and usage of HPC RIVR.

Example One OBJECTIVES Taking part in
international projects
Repository for the Slovenian
R&I activity
Upgrading existing
HPC capacities
HPC partner network Developing knowledge,
sources and personnel
Infrastructure for
Open Research Data
Inclusion of an international association PRACE
Partnership for Advanced
Computing in Europe
Joint Undertaking
European Grid
European Strategy
Forum on Research