Forms of education
Developing competencies of system engineers, developers and development engineers for HPC systems, network supercomputing, cloud computing, virtualized infrastructures, big data processing as well as high throughput computing systems is a very important investment for Slovenia as a whole, since needs in this field are swiftly increasing.
Education and trainingfor other users
Basic education and training for using HPC technologies and data storage is adapted to various groups of users. In order to ensure permanent education and training in the field of HPC, we are establishing a uniform interdisciplinary doctoral study programme from the field of supercomputing at the University of Maribor and the University of Ljubljana as well as intensive ten-day courses at postgraduate level.
Education and trainingfor HPC RIVR researchers
A group of Slovene HPC lecturers and experts, especially from organisations involved in SLING, is responsible for the organisation and implementation of courses, lectures, workshops and HPC summer/seasonal schools. HPC RIVR researchers are also involved in trainings as part of other HPC centres home and abroad.