HPC RIVR is the most powerful public supercomputer in Slovenia. It operates with the aim of opening up new research and development fields in segments that help to shape global trends. The computing capacities are available according to the open research infrastructure principle.
The project "Upgrading national research infrastructures – HPC RIVR" is aimed at establishing a national supercomputing centre with the principal objective of strengthening national high performance computing capacities for the needs of the Slovenian research and innovation as well as economic area. The project is funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (80%) and the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (20%) within the framework of the Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020.WHO IS TAKING PART
The "HPC RIVR" project applicant and coordinator is the University of Maribor (UM), where the Prototype Computer will be set up and research and development activities will take place. The project consortium partners are the Institute of Information Science (IZUM), where the Primary Computer will be set up and system support activities will take place, and the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (FIŠ), where remote access equipment will be set up and research and development activities will take place
What and how

The planned HPC RIVR equipment will place Slovenia among countries with developed supercomputing technology and in the Top500 ranking among the 100 largest supercomputers in the world.


As part of the HPC RIVR project, special support will be provided for new research fields and the development of new services in fields having a significant impact on global trends in supercomputing.

Current situation

For more than ten years, the vast majority of European Union states already has an outlined strategy of supercomputing development and continuous funding of HPC centres that are in some countries organised as national centres for the use in science, research and industry.


The development of competences of systems engineers, developers and development engineers for HPC systems, network supercomputing, cloud computing, virtualized infrastructures, data processing and high-throughput computing systems is a very important investment for the whole of Slovenia, as the needs in this field are growing rapidly.